Gestures which make the Teatro de la Maestranza exceptional 

Since the beginning of the Maestranza’s artistic activities as a theatre in the 1994-95 season - after the end of the Expo’92 programming - it has relied on the collaboration of a large group of companies from the private sector.

As of the 97/98 Season, a system was established where institutions could participate in the activity of the theatre. With this initiative, cultural development in the region was given a boost.

Thanks to the arrangement, the theatre presently has the support of 12 companies as Patrons and 9 others as Collaborators.

By making reference to the structure for financing the theatre’s activities, it is clear that Patrons play an important role. The breakdown of the overall budget of each season is as follows:

· 53 % Operating Subsidies from the Institutions of the Consortium
· 34 % Box Office revenue
· 3 % Rental of In House Productions and Spaces in the theatre
· 10 % Sponsorship: the patrons make up 10% of the total budget of the season; however 20% of the programming budget comes from the donations by sponsors.

For each of the two levels of sponsorship, the Teatro de la Maestranza offers a series of benefits which varies depending on the economic support and type of patronage.

Now, you too can become part of this Project and support the Teatro de la Maestranza with your personal support by clicking on the section “Donaciones” (Donations) because it is exactly in these difficult times that the world of Culture needs you more than ever.




Culture is an enterprise for everyone and the Teatro de la Maestranza is the reference point for performing arts in the south of Spain. By supporting the excellent international level of the activities at our theatre, the benefits for the community are multiple: jobs in the creative industry, education programmes for schools, cultural tourism…

Benefits as a Patron 
· Sponsor a themed series or spectacle at any time of the year
· The ideal place for Corporate Relations bringing together cultural experience and VIP attention 
· Important media coverage and a variety of extras (publicity, invitations...).
· The Teatro de la Maestranza as the venue to celebrate your own events (conventions, conferences, a Gala...). 




A spirit of collaboration and the drive for cultural sponsorship as an endeavour come together when becoming part of the Teatro de la Maestranza community while also encouraging the participation of your respective groups of interest (partners, clients, members, students, employees, families…). We invite you to take part  as do institutions, companies, foundations, entities and citizens. 

Benefits as a Collaborator 
· Invitations to shows, private events, gatherings with artists and other sponsors. 
· Your name and logo on digital support and in print beside the rest of the patrons and collaborators.
· The opportunity to collaborate more specifically by linking your name to a specific event on the programme. 
· Be part of the “Family Photo” at the annual presentation of the upcoming season of the theatre.   




The Teatro de la Maestranza is a benchmark cultural institution, a symbol of the city of Seville that has a prominent international projection. 

Since the 97/98 Season, institutions have joined in the activity of the Theatre. Thanks to this initiative, we presently have the generous support of 12 companies as Patrons and 8 Collaborators.

Whether you are a company or an individual, backing the Teatro de la Maestranza endorses our values and your philanthropy plays a crucial role in sustaining culture in your city.

Please consider making a one- time donation today. Your collaboration during this challenging period for our theatre and the world of Art iin general as a gift of generosity to safeguard the future.  

