Espectáculo finalizado

Date at the Maestranza

  • Date:
    10 April 8 p.m.
  • Duration: 110 min
  • Hall: Main Auditorium

A song for the Youth Orchestra of Andalusia (OJA)

The Youth Orchestra of Andalusia (OJA) returns to the stage of the Teatro de la Maestranza, after a clamorous success with the demanding Symphony No.7 by Anton Bruckner last season. This time the programme will be another of those that puts the maturity and solidity of any symphonic group to the test. Led by Álvaro Albiach (Valencia, 1968), a conductor acclaimed for his international experience in opera -Teatro Real (Madrid), Liceu (Barcelona), Festival Rossini Pesaro (Italy) -, the OJA takes on The Song of the Earth by Gustav Mahler, an orchestral song cycle composed in 1907 but first heard after the composer’s death in 1911.

The sixth song and last section Der abschied, (The Farewell), is one of the most heart-wrenching, melancholy and excruciating pieces in the history of music. Also on the programme, Albiach and the OJA premiere a work for solo saxophone by Daahoud Salim, a brilliant young pianist and jazz composer educated in Sevilla, and son of the great saxophonist Abdu Salim.

  • Guest conductor: Álvaro Albiach
  • Sax: David Alonso
  • Tenor: Alejandro del Cerro
  • Baritone: José Antonio López

The press says

El futuro está en la juventud

La orquesta respondió de manera soberbia, con una inmejorable exhibición de colores y una precisión y empaste dignos de elogio.

Primavera rejuvenecedora con la OJA

Fiel a su cita primaveral, la Orquesta Joven de Andalucía se atrevió un año más con un comprometedor programa del que salió más que airosa