Espectáculo finalizado

Date at the Maestranza

  • Date:
    17 March 8 p.m.
  • Duration: 75 min
  • Hall: Main Auditorium

Creating Bridges for Music

Is classical music in opposition to flamenco? Is it possible for two such apparently distant genres to converge? The answer is Arcángel. It took a fearless cantaor like Arcángel, from the Andalusian province of Huelva, who is close to flamenco tradition but always open to innovation, daring and the vanguard, to attempt the crossing from the shore line of the arias or interludios of Il Trovatore, The Barber of Seville or Madama Butterfly, or scores of zarzuela to the beach of flamenco.

The journey is, without doubt, promising and exciting. For Arcángel is not embarking on it alone. With musical direction reinforced by the wisdom of Isidro Muñoz, Arcángel counts on the direction, composition, arrangements and solo guitar of José María Gallardo del Rey. This is a musician with the gift of languages, who has spent ages seesawing brilliantly between the two genres. And then, there is the Quinteto Totem Ensemble, four of the five are members of the Royal Seville Symphony Orchestra (Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla–ROSS).

Arcángel does (bel) cante. With knowledge, responsibility and respect. But also aspiring to explore new horizons for classical music and flamenco. With Arcángel there are no opposing genres of music. To unite them there are only bridges.



  • Project management and voice: Arcángel
  • Musical direction, composition, arrangements and guitar: José María Gallardo Del Rey
  • Musical director: Isidro Muñoz
  • Musical arrangements: Jesús Cayuela
  • Quinteto Totem Ensemble: Vladimir Dmtrienco (violín primero), Luis Miguel Díaz Márquez (violín segundo), Jerome Ireland (viola), Nonna Natsvlishvili (violonchelo), Francisco Lobo (contrabajo)

The press says

Arcángel, un invitado de honor

El cantaor onubense Arcángel presentó ayer en el Teatro de la Maestranza su última propuesta con la que pone su voz flamenca al servicio de la ópera y la zarzuela

Donizetti por bulerías

El público se divirtió, y acabó dando palmas al ritmo de...

Arcángel regresa al Maestranza de Sevilla con su última apuesta, Bel cante

En este trabajo, el artista combina dos mundos inicialmente opuestos como es el Clásico y el Flamenco.

Bel Cante de Arcángel en el Maestranza

Un proyecto en el que el cantaor onubense tiende puentes entre su cante flamenco y la música clásica, la ópera o la zarzuela.
