Young audience
- Date:
09 March noon
- Duration: 60 min
- Hall: Sala Manuel García
The lessons of Noa
Puppets, masks, and music in a performance that tells us the story of Noa, a little Jewish girl, with her friends Fátima and Pedro and a stray cat who live in Toledo in 1492. In the background, we have the expulsion from Spain of the Sephardic population (Sepharad is the Hebrew name for the Iberian Peninsula), in a show of humour, magic and tenderness for a young audience.
The Claroscuro company, founded in 2010 by Canadian Julie Vachon and musical expert Francisco de Paula Sánchez, has received great acclaim for Yo soy la Locura and La increíble historia de Juan Latino. Now, guided by a love of marionettes and Spanish music of the 16th to 18th centuries, the company completes a trilogy about Spain in exile, where the nostalgia of living memories prevails over resentment. Besides the story of a girl separated from her friends simply for being Jewish, there are many others to tell: Noa’s mother and grandmother and the language, music, cuisine, and customs which they taught her. And her grandfather, a doctor and astronomer, who taught her not to hate anyone. Or a mistreated cat who only talks with Noa. And the story of Pedro, the Catholic boy who comprehends the irreparable loss when he feels the pain of Noa’s absence and repents for having betrayed her. This is the story of all the children everywhere who, one day, and without understanding why, were forced to flee from their homes and leave everything behind.
The Sky of Shepharad takes place against gentle and melancholic Sephardic songs in a show where the music has a fundamental voice. Claroscuro looks at untold stories for an audience of all ages, one where puppets come alive and raise questions for everyone present from the dawn of time.
All the programming in the Sala Manuel García is made possible thanks to the support of the Fundación Banco Sabadell.
Coproduction, Teatro de la Zarzuela and Claroscuro Teatro, collaboration with Asociación Bislumbres, Ayuntamiento de La Rinconada and Festival de Música Antigua de Sevilla (FeMÀS).
Double sessions for School performances
7, 8 March 10am, 12 noon
- Actress, puppeteer and singing: Julie Vachon
- Actor, puppeteer and singing: Francisco de Paula Sánchez
- Soprano, percussion and flute: María José Pire
- Citole, lute, romanesque viola and singing: Enrique Pastor
- Narrator overs: Carmen Blanco
Founded in 2010 by Julie Vachon and Francisco de Paula Sánchez, this company uses puppets, masks and live music for the stories it performs. Claroscuro believes in the coming together of the arts and in the magic of simple stories transmitted from parents to children, by gentle candlelight or next to the fireplace, with a view to facing life with its plenitude and dilemmas alike.
The sky of Sepharad
El cielo de Sefarad (The Sky of Sepharad), with puppets, masks, and live music, tells the story of Noa, a little Jewish girl in Toledo in 1492. And of her friends Fátima and Pedro and a stray cat. A tale of humour and magic which gently narrates the tragedy of the expulsion from Spain of the Sephardic population. The story of Noa is that of all the children everywhere who, one day, were forced to flee from their homes and leave everything behind.
The press says
El cielo de Sefarad iluminará el Maestranza a través de un viaje emotivo al Toledo de 1942
Aborda con humor y encanto la dolorosa expulsión de los sefardíes, reflejando las vivencias de los niños que se vieron forzados a dejar sus hogares
With the support of