Espectáculo finalizado


  • Date:
    11 June 8 p.m.
  • Duration: 150 min
  • Hall: Main Auditorium

This time it will be for a Preview performance of Nabucco by Giuseppe Verdi for young people under the age of 30. Cast of this preview, includes the voices of Damiano Salerno, Maribel Ortega, Dario Russo, Mónica Redondo, Santiago Vidal, Luis López Navarro, Carmen Buendía, Andrés Merino, all under the musical direction of Gaetano Lo Coco.

Mark your calendars for June 11 at 8 p.m.

Tickets are on sale for a fixed price of 10 euros. You will be asked to provide proof of age (National Identity Card) at the entrance to the theatre.

  • Musical director: Gaetano Lo Coco
  • Stage Director: Christiane Jatahy
  • Lights and set design: Marcelo Buscaino
  • Costume design: An D'Huys

Nueva producción del Teatro de la Maestranza en coproducción con el Grand Théâtre de Genève, los Théâtres de la Ville de Luxemburgo y la Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. 

Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla
Coro Teatro de la Maestranza

  • Nabucco: Damiano Salerno
  • Abigaille: Maribel Ortega
  • Zaccaria: Dario Russo
  • Fenena: Mónica Redondo
  • Ismaele: Santiago Vidal
  • High Priest: Luis López Navarro
  • Anna: Carmen Buendía
  • Abdallo: Andrés Merino