Young audience

  • Date:
    27 December 7 p.m.
    28 December 5 p.m. y 8 p.m.
  • Hall: Main Auditorium

The magic of a story

Cinderella seen through the eyes of one of the greatest singers and composers in Europe during the 19th century: Pauline Viardot was a brave woman who composed her own version of Perrault’s fairy tale. The 200th anniversary of the birth of the wonderful artist of Spanish descent was in 2021. This was the first time an opera for young audiences came to the stage, and it was an opportunity to discover the magic of bel canto. Opera at the service of fantasy and vice versa. A group of children go into a museum and come upon a magic libretto. On reading it, they are transported to the home of Pauline herself and a universe where the music is the luminous thread that tells the loveliest sonorous story.

The piece also counts on a young cast of voices, an occasion to observe new talent and to bring opera closer to a generation who will discover the pleasure and enchantment of this music.

This exciting project is shared between the Teatro Real (Madrid), Teatro de la Maestranza (Seville), Fundación Ópera de Oviedo (Oviedo) and the Teatro Cervantes (Malaga).

For any audience that loves fantasy and as a tribute to a woman, Pauline Viardot, who broke the mould and never abandoned her ambition for beauty.

  • Musical director and piano: Francisco Soriano
  • Stage director and light design: Guillermo Amaya
  • Set design: Pablo Menor
  • Costume design: Raquel Porter

Production: Teatro de la Maestranza, co-production with Teatro Real (Madrid), Teatro Cervantes (Málaga) and Fundación Ópera (Oviedo).

  • Cinderella: Alejandra María Acuña
  • Baron Pictordú: Javier Povedano
  • Prince Charming: Francisco Gracia Ramos
  • Count Barrigulo: Juan José Ramos
  • The fairy: Miriam Silvia Martínez
  • Armelinda: Paola Leguizamón
  • Miguelona: Vanessa Cera

Francisco Soriano

Natural de Sevilla, colabora habitualmente con prestigiosos cantantes, así como con jóvenes promesas, junto a los que desarrolla una intensa carrera como acompañante y repertorista.

Guillermo Amaya

Nacido en Cádiz, su repertorio como director de escena abarca desde la ópera barroca, repertorio clásico, ópera moderna, opereta y ópera para niños hasta musicales.