Breaking the Silence
- Date:
25 May 8 p.m.
- Duration: 80 min
- Hall: Sala Manuel García
Women composers
Carmen Martínez-Pierret e Israel Fausto
With a woman’s signature
The Teatro de la Maestranza continues to pay tribute to the musical power of women, returning works to the music stands of so many composers excluded by history from the repertory, simply because their work was signed with the name of a woman.
The series “ Breaking the silence “ which began last season, directed by Carmen Martínez-Pierret and Israel Fausto, is a cycle of 12 concerts that gives voice to 60 composers. This season there are 4 chamber recitals in the Sala Manuel García with music by, among others, Cécile Chaminade, Lili and Nadia Boulanger, Alma Mahler and Pauline Viardot. On March 8, International Women’ s Day, there will be a monograph dedicated to the 19th century French composer and pianist Louise Farrenc, who reached fame during her lifetime, but was forgotten after she died in 1875.
Re-establishing the balance. Returning women composers to the halls where they always should have been heard. For brilliance and talent. Beyond gender.
All the programming in the Sala Manuel García for the 22/23 Season is made possible thanks to the special collaboration of the Fundación Banco Sabadell.
- Women composers: Elfrida Andrée, Valborg Aulin, Agathe Backer-Gröndahl, Marion Bauer, Amy Beach, Margaret Bonds, Mel Bonis, Lili Boulanger, Nadia Boulanger, Una Mabel Bourne, Teresa Carreño, Cécile Chaminade, Madeleine Dring, Chiquinha Gonzaga, Fanny Hensel-Mendelssohn, Marie Jaëll, Mana-Zucca, Sophie Menter, Hélène de Montgeroult, Laura Netzel, Dora Pejačević, Clara Schumann-Wieck, Ethel Smyth, Germaine Tailleferre, Pauline Viardot
- Piano: Carmen Martínez-Pierret
Carmen Martínez-Pierret
Participates in numerous chamber music series, festivals and poetic concerts. Her recordings have been unanimously acclaimed by music critics. In the area of education, gives classes and seminars and is a teacher of higher grade piano at the Escuela Superior de Música de Alto Rendimiento of Valencia. Artistic Director of the courses and International Music Festivals of Canfranc, in the Aragon Pyrenees.
The press says
El piano de Martínez Pierret pone el broche de oro del ciclo 'Rasgando el Silencio'
El concierto, bajo el título 'Caleidoscopio', tendrá lugar este jueves en la Sala Manuel García
La pianista Martínez Pierret clausura el ciclo "Rasgando el Silencio" con piezas breves de 25 compositoras
El concierto tendrá lugar el 25 de mayo en la Sala Manuel García del Teatro de la Maestranza
Martínez-Pierret bajo una lluvia de partituras
La pianista y activista de los derechos de las mujeres cerró la presente temporada con un trabajo titánico, y se enfrenta a la próxima con ilusión renovada
With the support of